Wednesday, August 29, 2012

welcome back!

Oh how I missed the aromas of the daily grind as I watch time fly by, feeling suspended in a single moment. It filled my heart when the cashier recognized me and welcomed me back, as, "the grind missed me too". Outside the continuous current of students bound for their first classes of the semester bustle by. It makes me almost sentimental thinking about my first semester nearly a year ago today. Almost. Alas, this first day of classes, I have no classes to attend. My schedule mysteriously ended up leaving me open all the time. Which is a good thing, as being an RA has consumed most of my time in the past two weeks. Orientation has truly drained my energy and I find myself seeking any moment to sleep. But this responsibility of Residence Life really is something I love to do. I see myself in all the new freshman, and I still find myself learning from them. I am hopeful for this new year and its surprises, and I'm excited for all the experiences it will bring. :)

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